I’m not a MEME kinda guy… but I’ll cave on this on because I’ve learned so many interesting things via the lists of others. Here is a link to the MEME room on FriendFeed.
- My favorite holiday is Valentines Day – What better holiday than one where you get to go completely overboard lavishing the person you love with attention.
- My least favorite holiday is New Years Eve – The worst possible kind of party is a forced party.
- My father passed away when I was 12 (he was 44).
- I am the youngest of three children. I have two older sisters (one adopted).
- When I was about 4 I distinctly remember going through a Minnesota winter in a jacket that didn’t zip. My parents couldn’t afford to buy me a new one.
- The father and son who owned the restaurant I managed taught me how to be a man, father, and husband. I owe them I debt I can never repay and for which I am eternally grateful.
- My favorite author is Raymond Carver – I expect very few of you (who were not English majors) have ever heard of him.
- I’ve read Rise and Fall of the Third Reich 3 times. I believe it should be required reading.
- I do not and do not care to understand Lost – I mean seriously… when the complete obfuscation of plot becomes the plot it is just gibberish.
- I once had an “affair” with my boss. She is now my wife and the mother of my 2 beautiful daughters – and the love of my life.
- I was married on September 4th 2001 in Fiji
- I was flying home from Fiji on September 11th, 2001. Our plane was turned around over Hawaii and we spent 6 more days in Fiji. I have a very different experience of that event than most people.
- I have a tendency to be blunt. I firmly believe that we can not have a productive conversation about contentious issues unless we are willing to start by putting our cards on the table.
- I LOVE to cook. On holiday’s the kitchen is MINE.
- If I could have any job I’d be a Myth-buster … I mean SERIOUSLY. I get to act like a dork, blow stuff up AND get paid. Deal.
- I have a weird allergy to Rum. One shot (literally) and I will become completely inebriated, sick and pass out.
- Don’t get any cute ideas about #16 – I will kick your ass (after about a week of recovery time).
- I have silly, silly names for my children. Natalie = Nat Splat; Isabel = Izzy-Beaster
- I don’t like cats… not even cute LOLCats.
- I love dogs… all dogs (which would explain why the stray – now known as Max – still lives in my house).
- The only thing that scares me (I mean really, really scares me) is not being able to keep my girls safe, healthy, clothed, and fed (see #5).
- I enjoy American Idol – You have to admit, these people have talent and I enjoy watching them hone their craft.
- I get called arrogant fairly often – I’ve stopped apologizing, trying to “correct” my behavior or adjust myself to comply with the needs of others (outside my family and closest friends).
- If you leave your ice cream where I can access it you forfeit any right to complain when I eat it. You’ve been warned.
- I’m handy. Not like change a light bulb handy. Like re-build an engine, re-wire a house, hang dry-wall, frame a house handy.
I'm with you on #23. I have learned to merely agree, wait a few seconds and move on in life.
I'm with you on #23. I have learned to merely agree, wait a few seconds and move on in life.
I'm with you on #23. I have learned to merely agree, wait a few seconds and move on in life.