justSignal Demo 09 Demo – Have your data and eat it too!

On February 25th I put up a justSignal Tracker for Demo 09. I had fun today watching the tracker (you can find it here) reel off all the tweets about Demo and the presentations as they happened.

With all due respect to Demo and Facebook the experience with the Facebook Connect widget was, by comparison, lacking.

But that isn’t what I want to tell you about. I’ve decided to make all of the data collected by our justSignal Tracker available for anyone to analyze, hack, present, mash-up and innovate against. To that end I’m putting up an XML file which you can download here containing about 3100 tweets collected through 5pm Pacific today (March 2nd 2009).

Here is the challenge – Parse the data, tell us who gets mentioned most, most good mentions, most bad mentions, most whatever. Make it enlightening. All I ask is that when you publish your site/data you give attribution to justSignal by saying we collected and provided the data for you.

This file is not complete, but will give you a chance to digest the format and begin your development efforts so that when the daily files are released early Tuesday and Wednesday you can grab them an go right to work.

Those files will be linked to in this post (at the end with “UPDATE” by them) – so check back to get the full data for today before 9am Pacific on March 3rd.

I did, just because I’m nosy, take a look at a thing or two in the data:

  • Top 5 Demo Tweeters
    1. nanpalmero – 197
    2. demochatter – 159
    3. larrymagid – 42
    4. ejosowitz – 42
    5. and the irrepressible Rafe – 36
  • Total RE-Tweets: 176
  • Most Replied To:
    1. Rafe – 11
    2. sarahintampa – 10
    3. nanpalmero – 8
    4. podboy – 7
    5. demochatter – 6

I did take a peek at mentions for specific presenters/companies… but I’ll leave that to the developers out there…

After the jump I’ll provide some info on the data file format. Show us what you can do!!!

UPDATE: Here is the first full file. This is every tweet for Demo 09 on March 2nd, 2009.UPDATE: Here is the second full file. This is every tweet for Demo 09 on March 3rd, 2009

XML Format:


<num_tweets>1</num_tweets> // number of tweets in xml

<match_terms>demo09, demotweets, #dmo9, ‘demo 09’, demo</match_terms> // These are the terms we search on.


justSignal Tracker – contact brian.roy@cosinity.com for information







<tw_id>1268480527</tw_id> //Twitter Tweet ID

<to_user_id>560840</to_user_id> //Twitter ID of the user the Tweet is to

<to_user>podboy</to_user> // Twitter user name the Tweet is to

<from_user_id>206510</from_user_id> // Twitter ID of the user the Tweet is from

<from_user>strategiclee</from_user> // Twitter user name the Tweet is From

<iso_language_code>en</iso_language_code> // Native language of the Tweet

<profile_image_url> // this is where to find the avatar for the from user



<created_at>Mon, 02 Mar 2009 08:03:03 +0000</created_at> // When the tweet was created

<is_retweet>false</is_retweet> // Is this tweet a Re-Tweet

<text> // The full Text of the Tweet

@podboy just grabbing my bathing and heading to the jacuzzi #demo09 thank god for crunches





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