Astonishingly, the Meme that is Follow Friday keeps growing.
As always, all this information is based on midnight to midnight Pacific time.
There were a total of 61,739 Follow Friday Tweets this week. That is a 12% increase from last week.
Here is the chart of Tweets per Hour:
The peak hour was from 10-11AM with an astounding 6,117 Tweets.
For those of you familiar with statistics – you’ll notice that the graph, week over week, looks amazingly similar. So we can extrapolate that we have a stable usage pattern.
We also had two straight hours which exceeded last week’s peak hour – from 9am – 11am pacific.
Last but not least… if you want all the data so you can take a crack at finding the useful information, you can download the full data set in XML right here. You can find the XML specification for that file here.
Twitter's FollowFriday jumped the shark (but we can fix it)
Twitter's FollowFriday jumped the shark (but we can fix it)