I’ve been awfully quiet for the last week or so. And there is a reason for that.
I’ve been busily working away to fulfill the vision of justSignal. It was never about (just) Twitter – it was about finding your signal wherever someone chooses to talk about it.
We launched with Twitter and the real-time widget because – frankly – Twitter has the buzz factor and because real-time is compelling. Today we are expanding beyond Twitter and the real-time, with the addition of Backtype (blog comments) and Google Blog Search. These new widgets will be added to the standard justSignal Tracker offering – with no increase in price.
These widgets have all the capabilities of the Twitter Real-Time widget:
- Auto Updating when new data arrives
- Fully customizable for your site via CSS
- Dynamic search/filter terms that can be changed at any time
- Embeddable in any site/HTML
Google Blog Search Widget:
http://justsignal.com/widgets/brianroyblog/embed-blogsearch.js Backtype Blog Search Widget: http://justsignal.com/widgets/brianroyblog/embed-backtype.js
But wait there’s more!!! And it isn’t a shamwow.
We’ve also added a search widget. The search widget searches within the Tweets we’ve collected based on your filter. The more (default is 2 hours – with options up to 90 days) history you keep the more useful this search becomes. To demonstrate this search capability we’ve launched Great On Twitter. Great on Twitter collects everything said on Twitter when someone thinks something is great, shows those tweets in real time and allows you to search for things that interest you.
For fun try searching for iPhone (note the number of matching tweets), then search for Blackberry. Another fun example is TweetDeck/Twhirl.
We aren’t done… not even close. So stay tuned for more updates.