I have to admit I was really excited for Leopard. I pre-ordered my family five pack and was happy to get it in my hands by 11am Friday.
Since then I’ve been less than impressed. I’ve had one rather annoying upgrade bug and pretty severe dissapointment with my most anticipated new feature.
Let’s start with the upgrade problem. I’ll be the first to admit I’m not typical, but I can’t believe my setup is all that strange either. All of my OS X machines and Linux servers authenticate against a ldap server over SSL. The ldap server is not Apple’s Open Directory Server. Apparently this is no longer supported in Leopard. Upon upgrade none of my accounts would allow me to log in.
Leopard refuses to allow me to authenticate the certificate my ldap server uses via a trusted CA Cert. At this point I’ve been forced to edit /etc/openldap/ldap.conf to allow the ldap authentication without certificate validation.
That – for me – is a minor annoyance, but for corporate use it is a big problem.
My biggest dissapointment has been time machine. I was really looking forward to a simplified backup solution for the 5 Mac’s in my house – either using afp on my Linux server or by putting a big USB drive on my Airport Extreme. The bad news is that time machine appears to only work with physically connected USB or Firewire drives.
I’m really dissapointed with this. My current solution using Carbon Copy Cloner backing up to AFP shares is a far better solution…
More to come…