I’ll be attending the kick-off of ASU’s DEAC on April 19th. If you have any comments or items you’d like brought up, discussed or feedback on… let me know.
The local Phoenix economy has seen a significant increase in the distributed and web-based computing sector. To help support this growth, ASU’s Division of Computing Studies invites you to participate in a kick-off meeting for the Distributed and Enterprise Application Consortium (DEAC). The purpose of this meeting is to assess the local community’s interest in creating an active, collaborative group supporting the needs of the distributed, web-based systems community. Please join us, provide your input, and help form this organization to support the local community. This invitation is open anyone who would like to participate. Please forward as appropriate.
Please RSVP with deac-info@asu.edu.
When: April 19th
8:30 registration and coffee
9:00-10:30 meetingWhere: ASU Research Park
7700 S. River Parkway
Tempe, AZ 85284Agenda:
· ASU introductions
· Participant introductions
· Motivation and mission
· Discuss activities and opportunities for collaboration
· Discuss organization and sustainability
· Discuss follow-up activities