High-Tech Outsourcing is a symptom of the growth of the segment…

A business week article published today provides further evidence that High-Tech outsourcing is more about the growth of the High-Tech industry and scarce resources than any other single factor.

The findings counter concerns—sometimes voiced by opponents of outsourcing—that high-tech jobs are being sent overseas.

There's plenty of domestic demand for a host of IT jobs, says Katherine Spencer Lee, executive director of Robert Half Technology, an IT staffing company headquartered in Menlo Park, Calif. On average, it is taking 56 days to fill full-time IT positions, she says. Firms that want IT managers are looking at an even longer search—about 87 days. And the wait is only getting longer.

Having said that… there are still many companies that see that as an opportunity to commoditize the lowest level engineering resources.

The goal should be to create the highest level of skilled engineering graduates here in the US, but all indicators are that we are falling woefully behind the rest of the world.

For my part I'll be working with Arizona State University via the Distributed and Enterprise Application Consortium to ignite the same level of excitement about the engineering that goes into creating YouTube and MySpace as users already have about using the service.

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