Interesting data from TechCrunch today on VC investments for Q2 of 2008.
The venture capital market still appears healthy even with the general slowdown of the economy. One upside of what we are seeing is – as more Fortune 1000 companies “trim the fat” (which usually means shipping out high pay/long term employees) we’ll see an influx of new entrepreneurs into the marketplace.
You can count me on that list.
TechCrunch goodness after the jump:
Second quarter data is out on venture deals from the National Venture Capital Association and PriceWaterhouseCoopers. Despite the IPO market drying up completely, the What-Me-Worry crowd on Sand Hill Road keep pumping money into venture deals at a steady pace. Venture capitalists invested $7.4 billion last quarter in 990 deals, compared to $7.5 billion in 997 deals during the first quarter (a number that looks like it was revised upwards from the $7.1 billion the same group originally reported last April). The average deal size last quarter was $7.5 million. (Click on the charts for bigger images).
[From VC Deals In Charts (Q2 2008)—Exits? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Exits?]