Well this appears to be my new Saturday morning ritual. Pulling together data from Follow Friday for your viewing pleasure.
I want to thank Mashable and Micah for the post on Mashable yesterday featuring a screenshot of the justSignal Follow Friday Tracker.
Well lets get on with it, shall we?
There were a total of 43,481 Tweets (midnight to midnight Pacific Time).
Here is a chart showing the number of Tweets per hour (again time is Pacific).
The peak hour was 9-10am Pacific with 4,450 Tweets.
Perhaps my favorite fact from this week. 43,728 unique Twitter users were recommended.
Starting next week I’ll be providing week over week trending data… which should be really interesting. Since my data for last week is incomplete we really can not judge growth, but my best guess is that the Tweet volume about doubled.
For specifics about which users received how many recommendations and from who, head over to TopFollowFriday.
Two more things this week. First, I’m making the entire days worth of data available via an XML file. You can download it here. Be warned, it is a 22MB file. The format is described here.
Second, Jeremiah Owyang thought (and I agreed) that Mashable got many of their Follow Friday recommendations via the Re-Tweet of the post Micah wrote. Turns out (near as I can tell based on my analysis of the data) – not so. There were only 65 Re-Tweets for Mashable which would have been counted for Follow Friday.
After the jump you can see those tweets for yourself.
There were a total of: 65 @Mashable Re-Tweets
lucidmarcus: RT: @mashable “It’s #followfriday again! As always, here’s how Follow Friday works: http://tinyurl.com/cz545c”
Friday February 27th @ 11:12:08 am
rolandinsh_live: On Facebook: Rolands #followfriday top – http://cli.gs/fridaytop (via @mashable ). http://snipurl.com/d9qrg
Friday March 6th @ 11:50:43 am
prajish: RT: @mashable: It’s #followfriday! The usual reminder of how #followfriday works: http://tinyurl.com/cz545c
Friday March 6th @ 8:04:08 am
johnytyh: RT: @mashable: It’s #followfriday! The usual reminder of how #followfriday works: http://tinyurl.com/cz545c
Friday March 6th @ 8:00:33 am
fanshen: It’s #followfriday! The usual reminder of how #followfriday works: http://tinyurl.com/cz545c (via @mashable)
Friday March 6th @ 8:12:08 am
roguemovement: @Reluctantmelody RT: @mashable It’s #followfriday! The usual reminder of how #followfriday works: http://tinyurl.com/cz545c
Friday March 6th @ 8:26:28 am
CatalinaLoves: RT: @mashable: #followfriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend (Please RT!) http://ping.fm/kKVuA
Friday March 6th @ 9:20:41 am
AgingBackwards: RT: @mashable #followfriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend (Please RT!) http://ping.fm/kKVuA
Friday March 6th @ 9:08:15 am
DormNoise: RT: @mashable #followfriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend (Please RT!) http://ping.fm/kKVuA
Friday March 6th @ 9:07:59 am
jessekorzan: #followfriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend (Please RT!) http://ping.fm/kKVuA (via @mashable)
Friday March 6th @ 9:08:23 am
rasfincher: #followfriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend (Please RT!) http://ping.fm/kKVuA (via @mashable)
Friday March 6th @ 9:09:06 am
bobstarrorg: RT: @mashable: #followfriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend (Please RT!) http://ping.fm/kKVuA
Friday March 6th @ 9:10:16 am
JackieZima: RT @AgingBackwards RT: @mashable #followfriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend (Please RT!) http://ping.fm/kKVuA
Friday March 6th @ 9:10:01 am
steelydaniel: RT @AgingBackwards: RT: @mashable #followfriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend (Please RT!) http://ping.fm/kKVuA
Friday March 6th @ 9:10:31 am
mumdee: RT: @mashable: #followfriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend (Please RT!) http://ping.fm/kKVuA
Friday March 6th @ 9:11:05 am
ChefJerseyGirl: RT @AgingBackwards: RT: @mashable #followfriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend (Please RT!) http://ping.fm/kKVuA
Friday March 6th @ 9:12:02 am
prajish: RT: @mashable: #followfriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend (Please RT!) http://ping.fm/kKVuA
Friday March 6th @ 9:12:57 am
willieljackson: RT: @mashable #followfriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend http://ping.fm/kKVuA
Friday March 6th @ 9:12:47 am
Denrael: #followfriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend (Please RT!) http://ping.fm/kKVuA (via @mashable)
Friday March 6th @ 9:14:28 am
bilalnaseer: #followfriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend (Please RT!) http://ping.fm/kKVuA (via @mashable)
Friday March 6th @ 9:20:10 am
philiplei: #followfriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend (Please RT!) http://ping.fm/kKVuA (via @mashable)
Friday March 6th @ 9:21:47 am
thecx: RT: @mashable: #followfriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend (Please RT!) http://ping.fm/kKVuA
Friday March 6th @ 9:26:48 am
HisButterfly: RT from @CatalinaLoves RT: @mashable: #followfriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend (Please RT!) http://ping.fm/kKVuA
Friday March 6th @ 9:29:11 am
tweetmeme: #followfriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend http://mashable.com/2009/03/06/twitter-followfriday/ (via @mashable)
Friday March 6th @ 9:44:29 am
thebook: How #followfriday has taken over Twitter. http://mashable.com/2009/03/06/twitter-followfriday/ via @mashable
Friday March 6th @ 9:48:47 am
socialdave: RT @thebook: How #followfriday has taken over Twitter. http://mashable.com/2009/03/06/twitter-followfriday/ via @mashable
Friday March 6th @ 9:50:48 am
khaled_ouanes: RT: @mashable: Cool way to track the top #followfriday recommendations: http://topfollowfriday.com/
Friday March 6th @ 9:57:59 am
sohanley: RT: @mashable: Cool way to track the top #followfriday recommendations: http://topfollowfriday.com/
Friday March 6th @ 9:59:04 am
jordanbrown: Cool way to track the top #followfriday recommendations: http://topfollowfriday.com/ (via @mashable)<~ very cool indeed
Friday March 6th @ 9:59:37 am
LidiaAnain: loved it! RT: @mashable Cool way to track the top #followfriday recommendations: http://topfollowfriday.com/
Friday March 6th @ 9:59:55 am
fowora: Cool way to track the top #followfriday recommendations: http://topfollowfriday.com/ (via @mashable)
Friday March 6th @ 10:03:31 am
ry_hudson: RT: @mashable: Cool way to track the top #followfriday recommendations: http://topfollowfriday.com/
Friday March 6th @ 10:04:13 am
page10: RT: @mashable #followfriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend (Please RT!) http://ping.fm/kKVuA
Friday March 6th @ 10:05:47 am
dannamokamba: RT: @mashable #followfriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend (Please RT!) http://ping.fm/kKVuA
Friday March 6th @ 10:05:46 am
khaled_ouanes: RT: @mashable: Even cooler way to track #followfriday recommendations: http://www.boxuk.com/followfriday/
Friday March 6th @ 10:08:08 am
OzarksRedCross: RT: @mashable Even cooler way to track #followfriday recommendations: http://www.boxuk.com/followfriday [We should help @redcross up list.]
Friday March 6th @ 10:09:10 am
karebear006: RT: @mashable: Cool way to track the top #followfriday recommendations: http://topfollowfriday.com/
Friday March 6th @ 10:17:32 am
_caseyWatson: @wilbloodworth: RT @thebook: How #followfriday has taken over Twitter. http://mashable.com/2009/03… via @mashable
Friday March 6th @ 10:18:18 am
FreakinLu: RT: @mashable It’s #followfriday! The usual reminder of how #followfriday works: http://tinyurl.com/cz545c
Friday March 6th @ 10:19:16 am
huffpost: #followfriday: The anatomy of a Twitter Trend (via @mashable) http://is.gd/m7A0 -mediabistro
Friday March 6th @ 10:20:40 am
mediabistro: #followfriday: The anatomy of a Twitter Trend (via @mashable) http://is.gd/m7A0
Friday March 6th @ 10:20:40 am
brendachrist: RT @mediabistro #followfriday: The anatomy of a Twitter Trend (via @mashable) http://is.gd/m7A0
Friday March 6th @ 10:21:17 am
LitChat: RT @mediabistro: #followfriday: The anatomy of a Twitter Trend (via @mashable) http://is.gd/m7A0
Friday March 6th @ 10:22:39 am
kdsimms: RT @huffpost: #followfriday: The anatomy of a Twitter Trend (via @mashable) http://is.gd/m7A0 -mediabistro
Friday March 6th @ 10:23:06 am
johnny_mac: RT @mediabistro: #followfriday: The anatomy of a Twitter Trend (via @mashable) http://is.gd/m7A0
Friday March 6th @ 10:24:40 am
jsbachop1: follow friday tool – loved it! RT: @mashable Cool way to track the top #followfriday recommendations:… http://tumblr.com/xlt1e37cq
Friday March 6th @ 10:26:33 am
jeffrey: #followfriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend http://tinyurl.com/b3crrz (via @mashable)
Friday March 6th @ 10:33:58 am
diapau: RT: @mashable Even cooler way to track #followfriday recommendations: http://www.boxuk.com/followfriday/
Friday March 6th @ 10:36:37 am
rvsk: RT: @mashable: #followfriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend (Please RT!) http://ping.fm/kKVuA
Friday March 6th @ 10:39:38 am
GinaMChen: RT: @mashable via @ljthornton: #followfriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend (Please RT!) http://ping.fm/kKVuA
Friday March 6th @ 10:45:43 am
JaxLicurse: RT @GinaMChen RT: @mashable via @ljthornton: #followfriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend (Please RT!) http://ping.fm/kKVuA
Friday March 6th @ 10:47:08 am
rolandinsh: #followfriday top – http://cli.gs/fridaytop (via @mashable )
Friday March 6th @ 11:04:29 am
bgreen: RT @AgingBackwards: RT: @mashable #followfriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend (Please RT!) http://ping.fm/kKVuA
Friday March 6th @ 11:15:44 am
dgcohen23: RT @jeffrey: #followfriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend http://tinyurl.com/b3crrz (via @mashable) by @micah
Friday March 6th @ 11:27:03 am
OleKnut: RT: @mashable via @ljthornton: #followfriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend (Please RT!) http://ping.fm/kKVuA Spennende!
Friday March 6th @ 12:29:44 pm
mahadewa: RT @zaibatsu RT @mayhemstudios #followfriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend http://plurl.me/3vz via @mashable
Friday March 6th @ 11:29:40 am
AJ_The_Man: RT: @mashable Even cooler way to track #followfriday recommendations: http://www.boxuk.com/follow…
Friday March 6th @ 11:31:13 am
AgingBackwards: RT: @mashable Even cooler way to track #followfriday recommendations: http://www.boxuk.com/followfriday/
Friday March 6th @ 11:46:14 am
xtinasf: RT: Cool way to track the top #followfriday recommendations: http://topfollowfriday.com/ (via @mashable) ..guess who is on top??.
Friday March 6th @ 11:49:16 am
gc_koupaki: RT: @mashable Cool way to track the top #followfriday recommendations: http://topfollowfriday.com/
Friday March 6th @ 12:06:59 pm
tateblaze: RT: @MASHABLE #followfriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend (Please RT!) http://ping.fm/kKVuA
Friday March 6th @ 12:46:58 pm
ValeriaL: This is a great post: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend (via @mashable) http://mashable.com/2009/03/06/twitter-followfriday/
Friday March 6th @ 12:20:02 pm
wwwfergy: #followfriday & hashtags http://tinyurl.com/cz545c (via @mashable )
Friday March 6th @ 12:28:30 pm
applemacbookpro: RT @fowora: Cool way to track the top #followfriday recommendations: http://topfollowfriday.com/ (via @mashable)
Friday March 6th @ 1:59:07 pm
sheenamariebee: OK, got it now! RT: @mashable #followfriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend (Please RT!) http://ping.fm/kKVuA. Thx @AgingBackwards!
Friday March 6th @ 2:10:01 pm