Great example of communications creating value.

From Seth Godin – this is how communications applications create value. “My computer will call your computer…” Lisa points us Fonolo, a company in beta that spiders phone trees at big companies and promises to make it easy for you to go straight to the spot you want. Then it calls you when the phone… Continue reading Great example of communications creating value.

The Internet Hasn’t Led Us Into a New Dark Age.

This morning I read Francine Hardaway’s Blog post – Is Obama the Open Source Solution? Last night I read this gem from Wired When in doubt, blame the latest technology. Socrates thought the advent of writing would wreak havoc on the powers of the mind. Christian theologians denounced the printing press as the work of… Continue reading The Internet Hasn’t Led Us Into a New Dark Age.

Andy Grove proposes another Energy Proposal which only addresses supply…

Andy Grove (wikipedia) today (via Wired and gives us his Energy Proposal as a third alternative to the ones given by T. Boone Pickens and Al Gore earlier. Mr. Grove is spot on… To drill or not to drill? That has been the question this summer as Congress, the president and both candidates debate… Continue reading Andy Grove proposes another Energy Proposal which only addresses supply…

How the RIAA/SoundExchange and Congress are using trust exemption to kill internet radio…

Anti-Trust exemptions are a big deal. They grant certain groups and industries the government backed ability to stifle competition. They also work when our elected representatives treat these exemptions with a certain degree of mis-trust. When, however, our lawmakers begin to see these exemptions for certain industries as important to protecting the rights of the… Continue reading How the RIAA/SoundExchange and Congress are using trust exemption to kill internet radio…

Snowl: Drinking water through a fire hose?

There is a new Mozilla project called Snowl that is supposed to bring all of you communications together… Take a look and let me know… doesn’t this look like drinking water through a fire hose? I know just keeping up with my RSS, Twitter and Facebook information is impossible. At what point is too much…… Continue reading Snowl: Drinking water through a fire hose?

TomTom Turn by Turn GPS Navigation for iPhone working?

News today via Wired and MSNBC that TomTom has made their navigation system run on the iPhone. We’ve heard many reports that various GPS manufacturers were working on an application for the iPhone, but I think this is the first time I’ve heard that they have it working. Of course the primary concern is that… Continue reading TomTom Turn by Turn GPS Navigation for iPhone working?