and your reward is an endless stream of junk mail offering a “certificate”.
Author: briantroy
Emotions & Facts – Becoming data driven by overcoming bias
Humans are very, very good at rapid pattern recognition. It is the basis of the flight or fight response and based on our ability to see past events in current and future situations. … humans are amazing pattern-recognition machines. They have the ability to recognize many different types of patterns – and then transform these “recursive… Continue reading Emotions & Facts – Becoming data driven by overcoming bias
Tri Tip with Anaheim Pepper and Rosemary
Heading for the Sous Vide…
Chocolate Crinkle Cookies
“Only doing what we can execute now” is a terrible strategy – a prescription for unsticking your engineering team.
I engage with a lot of engineering teams (and leaders) that are stuck. They know full well they need to do something to enable thier product, service or business team – but they can’t get started. In almost every case I find a culture of resistance – which can be best summarized as: I don’t… Continue reading “Only doing what we can execute now” is a terrible strategy – a prescription for unsticking your engineering team.
Farmers Market Day
The Message We Do Not Hear
Over the last few days I’ve attempted to write a post here explaining why data driven analysis and action is so important in relation to recent events. It isn’t hard to find data and high quality analytical analysis that speaks to the tragic events in Minneapolis, Baton Rouge and yesterday in Dallas. It also isn’t… Continue reading The Message We Do Not Hear
First Tahoe run for the new water craft
Time to return to Cinque Terre
Time for a return trip…