An AWS outage – learning the same lessons all over again…

Today AWS S3 is down in the US-EAST-1 region – taking many other services down along with it. Large swaths of the internet are impacted including 1 or 2 of my non-critical sites/applications. However, my mission critical sites/applications are fine. Why? Because if they are mission critical they should never be susceptible to a failure… Continue reading An AWS outage – learning the same lessons all over again…

Person Recognition in Images with OpenCV & Neo4j

Time for an update on my ongoing person identification in images project; for all the background you can check out these previous posts: Analyzing AWS Rekognition Accuracy with Neo4j AWS Rekognition Graph Analysis – Person Label Accuracy Person Recognition: OpenCV vs. AWS Rekognition In my earlier serverless series I discussed and provided code for getting… Continue reading Person Recognition in Images with OpenCV & Neo4j

Person Recognition: OpenCV vs. AWS Rekognition

If you’ve been following along – I’ve been working with AWS Rekognition to detect people in security camera footage. I have previous posts that discuss the results. I’m now running the images through OpenCV using the pre-trained HOG + Linear SVM model. The picture in this post is an example of the output from OpenCV… Continue reading Person Recognition: OpenCV vs. AWS Rekognition

AWS Rekognition Graph Analysis – Person Label Accuracy

Last week I wrote a post evaluating AWS Rekognition accuracy in finding people in images. The analysis was performed using the Neo4j graph database. As I noted in the original post – Rekognition is either very confident it has identified a person or not confident at all. This leads to an enormous number of false… Continue reading AWS Rekognition Graph Analysis – Person Label Accuracy

Analyzing AWS Rekognition Accuracy with Neo4j

As an extension of my series of posts on handling IoT security camera images with a Serverless architecture I’ve extended the capability to integrate AWS Rekognition Amazon Rekognition is a service that makes it easy to add image analysis to your applications. With Rekognition, you can detect objects, scenes, and faces in images. You can… Continue reading Analyzing AWS Rekognition Accuracy with Neo4j

Data is the currency of your Digital Transformation

Image Credit: Scott Lewis on Flickr

This is a scary time for a company. But the state of play creates the potential for mass and creative disruption. — $1 Billion for Dollar Shave Club: Why Every Company Should Worry @ NYTimes Every company is a digital company. No longer is it a question of if your product will become digital – as… Continue reading Data is the currency of your Digital Transformation

Big Data – Storage Isn’t Enough

We should have seen it coming. When we stopped even thinking about how we store data for our applications, when we just assumed some DBA would give us a database – and some SysAdmin would give us a file system. Sure, we can talk about W-SAN (what WLAN was to the LAN, but for storage)… Continue reading Big Data – Storage Isn’t Enough

Talking Big Data with IBM’s Jeff Jonas

I saw this on TechCrunch earlier today and thought it was an awesome add to my big data series. Jeff Jonas is clearly a big thinker and I agree with almost everything he says. The only thing I take issue with is the recurring theme in this interview that Big Data is primarily about commerce… Continue reading Talking Big Data with IBM’s Jeff Jonas

From Silicon Valley to Madison Avenue in 20 Years

I don’t get it… I really don’t. When (and why) did silicon valley abandon the idea that technology – particularly the web based variety – had intrinsic value. The kind of transformative value that people would pay for… Find me two business plans for an online consumer product that don’t have “and monazite via ad… Continue reading From Silicon Valley to Madison Avenue in 20 Years

Big Data – NLCS

Following up on yesterday’s Big Data post. Here is the same data from the NLCS final last night. I’ll let you draw conclusions regarding the delta from the ALCS numbers.