This years winners are Edmund M. Clarke, E. Allen Emerson, and Joseph Sifakis. This years winners are recognized for their work on Model Checking: Model Checking is a type of “formal verification” that analyzes the logic underlying a design, much as a mathematician uses a proof to determine that a theorem is correct. Far from… Continue reading 2007 Turing Awards
Category: Emerging Technology Practice
CNN talks up Amazon Web Services
In a CNN article published on February 1st they announce that Amazon is now selling “data center services”. These services are Amazon’s Web Services offerings – found here. The tone of this article is interesting in that CNN highlights Amazon’s track record of innovating their business model. Critics thought it was over the top when… Continue reading CNN talks up Amazon Web Services
iGoogle (personalized home page) optimized for iPhone
Google has release an iPhone optimized version of iGoogle. You can take a look at There are 3 key features that make this a big deal for me: You can hide/show any gadget (content) – this is very helpful since the iPhone does not support flash. I have several flash gadgets in my iGoogle… Continue reading iGoogle (personalized home page) optimized for iPhone
The “long nose” of Innovation
Stumbled on a really nice article in Business Week by Bill Buxton in which he explains his “long nose” theory of innovation. Essentially Mr. Buxton believes that: The bulk of innovation is low-amplitude and takes place over a long period. Companies should focus on refining existing technologies as much as on creation. The thrust of… Continue reading The “long nose” of Innovation
Is IT Dead?
Nicholas Carr (blog, IT Does Not Matter (article), Wikipedia) has written a new book stating that the IT department is dead and that: it is a shift to utility computing that will kill this corporate career path… Full article here. Now before you run out and start updating your resume…
Leopard… I swear I was excited.
I have to admit I was really excited for Leopard. I pre-ordered my family five pack and was happy to get it in my hands by 11am Friday. Since then I’ve been less than impressed. I’ve had one rather annoying upgrade bug and pretty severe dissapointment with my most anticipated new feature.
The critical attribute of Innovative Organizations is not Innovation…
Ok… so the title of the post is deliberately inflammatory. But now that I’ve got your attention. Innovation (the act) does not make a successful innovative organization. The truth is there are more innovations that never see the light of day or that die an early death – or stagnate without investment – for one… Continue reading The critical attribute of Innovative Organizations is not Innovation…
How experimentation adds value…
We all like predictable outcomes. We all like to define success and focus our energy (and money) on activities that lead to a predictable outcome (a.k.a., success). But here is the rub… predictability requires that the process and the mechanisms are well understood. So how do we get to predictable outcomes when the mechanisms are… Continue reading How experimentation adds value…
It is not YOUR software…
While I admit this is not really an emerging technology post (more of an effect of it?)… the linked article still something everyone who creates “software” should read. “Six out of eight think something that’s harder to use but gives you better control is a good trade-off; only one out of eight of the general… Continue reading It is not YOUR software…