Did you play king of the hill when you were a kid? Of course you did. You remember what happened once you got to the top right? Everyone’s mission became to knock you off. Two kids who wouldn’t help each other out of a burning building would suddenly join forces to knock you off that… Continue reading Being On Top, Safety and the King Of the Hill Conundrum
Category: Regulation
SB 1070 – It’s Like I Tell My Kids: Decisions Have Consequences
Right off the bat, let’s all agree that something needs to be done to address two distinct issues. First, the violent drug wars in Mexico and their effect on the boarder region. Second, the influx of peaceful, hard working Mexican citizens who have entered this country illegally to find work and support their families. SB… Continue reading SB 1070 – It’s Like I Tell My Kids: Decisions Have Consequences
Why Healthcare for Profit Sucks
After 15 years working large corporations I’m now self employed. I’ve decided to be one of those people Conservatives so love to hold up as the example of all they try to protect – the American Small Business Owner. During my 20’s and 30’s I paid (and paid) into the private insurance industry and took… Continue reading Why Healthcare for Profit Sucks
There is a more fundamental point…
I’m a free market guy. I’m a fiscal conservative. I’m a registered independent. Hell, I voted for Ross Perot. Free markets are really, really good at generating profit… but you’ve got to ask yourself… Do you really want a healthcare system that is based on spending as little as possible and keeping as much profit… Continue reading There is a more fundamental point…
Education in Arizona – The Cuts to Come
This is for all of my friends in Arizona. As you may be aware the Arizona State Legislature has proposed to cut $1.5 billion from education budgets over the next year and a half. That is a 20% cut for K-12 and a 30% cut for higher education. Arizona currently ranks 49th in per student… Continue reading Education in Arizona – The Cuts to Come
The Lessons of History & The Financial Crisis
I’ve been re-reading Ron Chernow’s excellent book – Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. This is a wonderful book in every respect – but during this time of Financial Crisis it is also very illuminating to see the parallels between the period of 1870 – 1900 and the last 30 years or so.… Continue reading The Lessons of History & The Financial Crisis
FCC intends to abolish the Enhanced Service Providers exemption.
From IMHO Conferences & Consulting today: Back in the days when IBM was a company based on mainframes and we had to teach computers to whistle so that they could talk the government determined that data services were not subject to the same regulatory rules as voice services. The result was a boom for the… Continue reading FCC intends to abolish the Enhanced Service Providers exemption.
The financial crisis – Finaly a levelheaded assessment: Fareed Zakaria GPS – Interview with George Soros
This morning I watched Fareed Zakaria GPS on CNN. He interviewed George Soros who presented the most intelligent and balanced view of the current financial crisis I’ve seen yet. Soros – a free marketeer – points out that free markets are human constructs, just like governments – as such both are imperfect. His stance is… Continue reading The financial crisis – Finaly a levelheaded assessment: Fareed Zakaria GPS – Interview with George Soros
Turns out Angel Investors do not make much on investments…
From AZCentral’s Innovator’s Circle blog by Andrew Johnson: Fledgling companies often turn to “angel” investors when they’re trying to fund start-up costs. The term refers to individuals who invest small amounts of money – typically under $2 million – in early-stage firms. They hope to get a return on their investments once the firms start… Continue reading Turns out Angel Investors do not make much on investments…
Innovation and Entrepreneurship require Optimism
It has been an interesting few weeks… no? As a Entrepreneur and Innovator who left a comfortable job at a Fortune 500 Silicon Valley software company to follow the dream of starting my own company – I can tell you the last few weeks have been rough. Will capital completely dry up? Will any micro… Continue reading Innovation and Entrepreneurship require Optimism