AZ Governor innovation finalists announced

Congratulations to the winners listed below. I’m glad to see the state government recognizing innovation in Arizona. Now we just need to convince our legislators to get serious about passing the legislation needed to attract capital investment in Arizona startups. Winners in categories including Community Service Leader of the Year, Young Innovator of the Year… Continue reading AZ Governor innovation finalists announced

and… Speaking of the Innovation Gap…

From Techdirt… this image was captured at the Republican National Convention. At the Republican Convention, Matt Yglesias catches a funny picture of an AT&T poster touting the company’s enthusiasm for the patent system. It reads: “life, liberty, and the pursuit of more patents. AT&T: Averaging 2 patent applications per day. Proudly connecting political supporters in… Continue reading and… Speaking of the Innovation Gap…

Klausner Continues To Sue Everyone Over Visual Voicemail Patent

From Techdirt today: You may recall stories involving a small patent holding firm called Klausner Technologies, which claims to hold patents on the concept of “visual voicemail.” It seems to have interpreted these patents pretty broadly to the point that it considers anyone who offers any graphical interface to voicemail as infringing. Over the years,… Continue reading Klausner Continues To Sue Everyone Over Visual Voicemail Patent

Voice Is Data – STOP THE PRESSES (Alexander Graham Bell would be so proud)

From Techdirt… With increasing attempts to turn internet access on in the sky, there’s been some concern about people making VoIP calls from airplanes, just as there is a concern over mobile phone use in the sky being too “annoying.” Some of the companies providing internet-in-the-sky have claimed that they would block VoIP calls, but… Continue reading Voice Is Data – STOP THE PRESSES (Alexander Graham Bell would be so proud)

How the RIAA/SoundExchange and Congress are using trust exemption to kill internet radio…

Anti-Trust exemptions are a big deal. They grant certain groups and industries the government backed ability to stifle competition. They also work when our elected representatives treat these exemptions with a certain degree of mis-trust. When, however, our lawmakers begin to see these exemptions for certain industries as important to protecting the rights of the… Continue reading How the RIAA/SoundExchange and Congress are using trust exemption to kill internet radio…

Club E Network planning an AZ business incubator.

Good news for AZ entrepreneurs. I’m of the opinion that there is far more talent in AZ and Phoenix in particular than we get credit for. Being a 12 year Silicon Valley veteran I’ve seen the talent in both locations, and while there is little doubt that the talent in SV is far more start-up… Continue reading Club E Network planning an AZ business incubator.

Just because someone miss-uses something doesn’t make it bad…

Articles like this make me nervous: VoIP scam bilking Islanders – from CBC News Caller ID unreliable Caller ID on your phone will not help you identify the origin of the caller, said MacLean. “In some cases, these fraudsters will actually use spoof legitimate-looking numbers,” he said. “On your caller ID it may appear that… Continue reading Just because someone miss-uses something doesn’t make it bad…

Politics and Innovation

So where do the candidates for President stand on technology and innovation? I’ve reviewed each major candidates site to find their views regarding technology and innovation. You can find each candidate’s page below. John McCain Mitt Romney Barack Obama Hillary Clinton I believe these issues are central to both the health of our economy and… Continue reading Politics and Innovation