What Happened to the Value of Being Well Read?

There was a time, and it doesn’t seem all that long ago, that people valued the company of those who were well read. We used to seek out those who were more than knowledgeable, more than conversant in this topic or that, but those who had the ability to discuss a wide variety of topics… Continue reading What Happened to the Value of Being Well Read?

Mission accomplished – VoIP Softphone for Mac

One of my greatest frustrations with Mac has been the lack of a VoIP SoftPhone. To be completely clear, when I say VoIP SoftPhone I mean that the way you would mean “email client”. I’m not interested in a SoftPhone tied to a particular service provider or network. This search has been frustrating me for… Continue reading Mission accomplished – VoIP Softphone for Mac

Why is the Real-Time Web Community Shooting Itself in the Foot?

2008 was supposed to be the year we began to see real-time web take shape. And while Twitter and FriendFeed have begun to show us some bits of what a real-time web might look like mostly it has been a year of discontent. While I hate year end/beginning “predictions” (what am I Nostradamus?) I’m predicting… Continue reading Why is the Real-Time Web Community Shooting Itself in the Foot?

Video: OMG!!! Twitter got Hacked!!! AND VoIP isn’t dead… just irrelevant.

Various and sundry links pertaining to today’s video blog: Dan York’s Blog Post Today’s nonsense about OAuth on FriendFeed http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=2733016&server=vimeo.com&show_title=0&show_byline=0&show_portrait=0&color=8f3b55&fullscreen=1 Video Blog 01-05-2009 OMG Twitter got Hacked and VoIP isn’t dead, it is Irrelevant from Brian Roy on Vimeo.

The Lessons of History & The Financial Crisis

I’ve been re-reading Ron Chernow’s excellent book – Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. This is a wonderful book in every respect – but during this time of Financial Crisis it is also very illuminating to see the parallels between the period of 1870 – 1900 and the last 30 years or so.… Continue reading The Lessons of History & The Financial Crisis

Video: Social Media in Corporations – and The Quesiton of Scale

David Alston of Radian6 stopped by yesterday and commented on this post. This video is a detailed explanation of my views on Social Media, Brand Monitoring, and operationalizing and scaling those things in companies. http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=2576062&server=vimeo.com&show_title=0&show_byline=0&show_portrait=0&color=8f3b55&fullscreen=1 Video Blog 12-19-2008 | The question of Scale & Social Media for Brand Managment from Brian Roy on Vimeo.

Video: VMware Fusion Developer Tips and Apple after Steve Jobs

Another day another video blog post. And I’ll say it again… however Vimeo selects the static frame… not working for me… what am I catching flies!!! UPDATE: Well great, my first complaint with Vimeo – they totally hosed this when they encoded it… video/sound way out of sync. Sorry about that folks – this is… Continue reading Video: VMware Fusion Developer Tips and Apple after Steve Jobs

Track coming back? JustSignal re-launch update.

Another cold medication induced video blog today. http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=2558674&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1 Video Blog – 12-17-2008 | Track News and JustSignal Re-Launch from Brian Roy on Vimeo. Link to Steve Gillmor’s post on Twitter Track By the way… however Vimeo selects the static frame that shows before you press play… It isn’t working for me.