We should have seen it coming. When we stopped even thinking about how we store data for our applications, when we just assumed some DBA would give us a database – and some SysAdmin would give us a file system. Sure, we can talk about W-SAN (what WLAN was to the LAN, but for storage)… Continue reading Big Data – Storage Isn’t Enough
Category: Tech
Talking Big Data with IBM’s Jeff Jonas
I saw this on TechCrunch earlier today and thought it was an awesome add to my big data series. Jeff Jonas is clearly a big thinker and I agree with almost everything he says. The only thing I take issue with is the recurring theme in this interview that Big Data is primarily about commerce… Continue reading Talking Big Data with IBM’s Jeff Jonas
Is There Anything Less Useful Than A CV?
Both hiring and job seeking are about people. You should hire based on the person. The intangibles of who they are, how they interact, the strength of the cultural fit are more important than the checklist of skills from the job posting. As a job seeker your number one concern should be: Do I want… Continue reading Is There Anything Less Useful Than A CV?
From Silicon Valley to Madison Avenue in 20 Years
I don’t get it… I really don’t. When (and why) did silicon valley abandon the idea that technology – particularly the web based variety – had intrinsic value. The kind of transformative value that people would pay for… Find me two business plans for an online consumer product that don’t have “and monazite via ad… Continue reading From Silicon Valley to Madison Avenue in 20 Years
Big Data – NLCS
Following up on yesterday’s Big Data post. Here is the same data from the NLCS final last night. I’ll let you draw conclusions regarding the delta from the ALCS numbers.
Big Data – Spike Volume
One aspect of Big Data is the arrival pattern of the data being stored/analyzed. Yesterdays Rangers win in the ALCS is a excellent example of this. At justSignal we monitor all of the MLB teams and when the Rangers won we experienced a phenomenal spike in data arrival. Right now – which is fairly representative… Continue reading Big Data – Spike Volume
Big Data and Real Time – What I’ve Learned
I’ve been thinking about writing a series of posts about Big Data for months now… which is entirely too much thinking an not enough doing, so here we go. And, by Big Data we mean… Wikipedia offers a very computer science oriented explanation of Big Data – but while the size of the dataset is… Continue reading Big Data and Real Time – What I’ve Learned
Dumb On Purpose – Why Education is Failing
Seth Godin – without meaning to – has pointed at the root cause of the education slide in the US. Many people in the United States purchase one or fewer books every year. Many of those people have seen every single episode of American Idol. There is clearly a correlation here. Access to knowledge, for… Continue reading Dumb On Purpose – Why Education is Failing
My Internet Isn’t An Ad Platform
I’m a big fan of the internet. It is the single most disruptive technology in the history of mankind because it has the ability to disrupt so much of the old ways we did things. I’m a huge fan of Social Media, because it fully leverages the internet of things to enable human connections without… Continue reading My Internet Isn’t An Ad Platform
Creativity Matters – The Decline of US Creativity
From an interview with Kyung Hee Kim Decrease in Elaboration after 1984: Elaboration scores (ability to develop and elaborate upon ideas and detailed and reflective thinking and motivation to be creative) decreased more than other subscales of the TTCT. Elaboration scores decreased by 19.41% from 1984 to 1990, by 24.62% from 1984 to 1998, and… Continue reading Creativity Matters – The Decline of US Creativity