In Arizona – Education is now an Option

If you’d like to see an example of the extreme “no taxes” political persuasion – you need to look no further than Arizona. In Arizona taxes are evil, for years our politicians have built their reputations on one simple idea – taxes kill growth, so let’s not have any. They’ve perpetuated a myth… and now… Continue reading In Arizona – Education is now an Option

Social Media ROI – The Believers and Non-Believers

It appears the Social Media ROI conversation is heating up – and predictably it has split into two camps, the Believers and the Non-Belivers. The non-belivers are adamant that you simply can’t value conversations. The believers say you can because relationships are valuable. They are both wrong (and right). Let me try to clarify things… Continue reading Social Media ROI – The Believers and Non-Believers

Arizona – Entrepreneurship Is NOT the Problem

People make a lot of noise about what is wrong with Arizona – and specifically our ability to start and sustain technology companies. Most of it is pointless blather and pompous windbaggery – here is why: The problem is we have too many people who want to be the expert, advance their point of view… Continue reading Arizona – Entrepreneurship Is NOT the Problem

A Simple Prescription for Social Media ROI

The consensus seems to be that creating an ROI for Social Media is hard. I’d like to suggest that it isn’t. Formulating an ROI is a very simple formula – and until someone can rationally explain why Social Media is different I’ll get out my cookbook. Define the desired outcome (e.g., increase conversion rate by… Continue reading A Simple Prescription for Social Media ROI

Let’s Get Serious – Social Media ROI

I’m honestly heartened by the sudden rash of efforts to create a methodology to determine ROI (return on investment) for Social Media efforts. It signals something very important for Social Media – the return of rationality to the debate. When you consider that a few short months ago the prevailing meme was that creating a… Continue reading Let’s Get Serious – Social Media ROI

Social Media’s Big Problem – Marketers

I hate to say it, but Social Media (and Twitter in particular) has a big problem… and that big problem is marketers. I know, I know, marketers made Social Media – and setting aside weather or not that is true, let’s focus on the facts. Nearly any relatively popular topic is quickly overrun with marketers… Continue reading Social Media’s Big Problem – Marketers

TweetsForBoobs – How justSignal Helped Make it Happen

Reposted from the justSignal Blog ( Sometimes the best way to illustrate how justSignal can accelerate your strategy is by providing concrete examples of how others have accelerated theirs. TweetsForBoobs is raising money for the Susan G. Komen foundation by encouraging folks to tweet the #tweetsforboobs hash tag on Twitter. It is the brain child… Continue reading TweetsForBoobs – How justSignal Helped Make it Happen

Why Healthcare for Profit Sucks

After 15 years working large corporations I’m now self employed. I’ve decided to be one of those people Conservatives so love to hold up as the example of all they try to protect – the American Small Business Owner. During my 20’s and 30’s I paid (and paid) into the private insurance industry and took… Continue reading Why Healthcare for Profit Sucks