Over the last few days I’ve attempted to write a post here explaining why data driven analysis and action is so important in relation to recent events. It isn’t hard to find data and high quality analytical analysis that speaks to the tragic events in Minneapolis, Baton Rouge and yesterday in Dallas. It also isn’t… Continue reading The Message We Do Not Hear
Category: The Future
Being On Top, Safety and the King Of the Hill Conundrum
Did you play king of the hill when you were a kid? Of course you did. You remember what happened once you got to the top right? Everyone’s mission became to knock you off. Two kids who wouldn’t help each other out of a burning building would suddenly join forces to knock you off that… Continue reading Being On Top, Safety and the King Of the Hill Conundrum
Living in Public – Facebook, Privacy and Frictionless Distribution
You already live in public. You always have. All that has changed is how easy it is to distribute the evidence. We used to take for granted that the stupid things we did (we’ve all done them) would only live in the connections we had with friends and family. The photos were printed on paper… Continue reading Living in Public – Facebook, Privacy and Frictionless Distribution
In Arizona – Education is now an Option
If you’d like to see an example of the extreme “no taxes” political persuasion – you need to look no further than Arizona. In Arizona taxes are evil, for years our politicians have built their reputations on one simple idea – taxes kill growth, so let’s not have any. They’ve perpetuated a myth… and now… Continue reading In Arizona – Education is now an Option
Let’s Get Serious – Social Media ROI
I’m honestly heartened by the sudden rash of efforts to create a methodology to determine ROI (return on investment) for Social Media efforts. It signals something very important for Social Media – the return of rationality to the debate. When you consider that a few short months ago the prevailing meme was that creating a… Continue reading Let’s Get Serious – Social Media ROI
What the Hell is a Wombat – and Why Are We Tracking Them?
My interest in Twitter/FriendFeed and all things social media is so like my interest and involvement with VoIP it sometimes keeps me up at night. VoIP for me was never about the technology – and it certainly wasn’t about “making a phone call”, we could already do that. It was about the possibly. The possibility… Continue reading What the Hell is a Wombat – and Why Are We Tracking Them?
An Open Letter to the Arizona State Legistature and Gov. Brewer
Shame on you. Shame on each and every one of you. You are not accountants… your job is NOT to balance the state’s checkbook. Your job is to use the tax revenue you collect to provide the services that make Arizona better… every day, every year, for us and our children. You de-funded environmental protections.… Continue reading An Open Letter to the Arizona State Legistature and Gov. Brewer
Education in Arizona – The Cuts to Come
This is for all of my friends in Arizona. As you may be aware the Arizona State Legislature has proposed to cut $1.5 billion from education budgets over the next year and a half. That is a 20% cut for K-12 and a 30% cut for higher education. Arizona currently ranks 49th in per student… Continue reading Education in Arizona – The Cuts to Come
Why is the Real-Time Web Community Shooting Itself in the Foot?
2008 was supposed to be the year we began to see real-time web take shape. And while Twitter and FriendFeed have begun to show us some bits of what a real-time web might look like mostly it has been a year of discontent. While I hate year end/beginning “predictions” (what am I Nostradamus?) I’m predicting… Continue reading Why is the Real-Time Web Community Shooting Itself in the Foot?
Micro-Messaging – Data Interchange Standards and Track
I’ve been hard at work over the past week. Having your own company which you are attempting to bootstrap in this economy and sponsoring an academic project with ASU Polytechnic and – in my spare time – working on the challenges of real-time information discovery and participation is exhausting. Never-mind the two children under 6.… Continue reading Micro-Messaging – Data Interchange Standards and Track