It has been an interesting few weeks… no? As a Entrepreneur and Innovator who left a comfortable job at a Fortune 500 Silicon Valley software company to follow the dream of starting my own company – I can tell you the last few weeks have been rough. Will capital completely dry up? Will any micro… Continue reading Innovation and Entrepreneurship require Optimism
Category: The Future
Tech Making Traditional VCs Obsolete
Via Wired. Bob Rice gives us his take on the VC landscape: Well, the classic V.C.’s simply have too much money under management, and too expensive a talent pool, to waste time looking at investing anything less than $10 million in a project. Meantime, no entrepreneur wants to give up equity by taking in more… Continue reading Tech Making Traditional VCs Obsolete
Voice Is Data – STOP THE PRESSES (Alexander Graham Bell would be so proud)
From Techdirt… With increasing attempts to turn internet access on in the sky, there’s been some concern about people making VoIP calls from airplanes, just as there is a concern over mobile phone use in the sky being too “annoying.” Some of the companies providing internet-in-the-sky have claimed that they would block VoIP calls, but… Continue reading Voice Is Data – STOP THE PRESSES (Alexander Graham Bell would be so proud)
John-Scott Dixon on the new book Groundswell
From John-Scott Dixon’s post. I’ve been reading and enjoying a new book called Groundswell. It’s about adapting your company/organization to the new world of social media (Web 2.0). In the book, there are countless examples of companies fighting to maintain control of their brand and corporate messaging. All ultimately reaching the conclusion that it is… Continue reading John-Scott Dixon on the new book Groundswell
Going green – Less going.
Late last year I went on a bit of a rant about the silliness of “going green” and commuting back and forth to an office every day… I won’t bore you (again) with the details but you can find the posts here. Suffice it to say it isn’t just the carbon footprint of the commute… Continue reading Going green – Less going.
Club E Network planning an AZ business incubator.
Good news for AZ entrepreneurs. I’m of the opinion that there is far more talent in AZ and Phoenix in particular than we get credit for. Being a 12 year Silicon Valley veteran I’ve seen the talent in both locations, and while there is little doubt that the talent in SV is far more start-up… Continue reading Club E Network planning an AZ business incubator.
Could it be… life on mars?
News today from Aviation Week via Universe Today that: The White House has been alerted by NASA about plans to make an announcement soon on major new Phoenix lander discoveries concerning the “potential for life” on Mars, scientists tell Aviation Week & Space Technology. Sources say the new data do not indicate the discovery of… Continue reading Could it be… life on mars?
AZ Should be Trumpeting this from every rooftop – Phoenix Lander Has Touched Martian Water For the First Time
Everyone (and there are A LOT of them) who say Arizona is a engineering, math and science wasteland should read this and understand just how big of a deal for Arizona this is. The UofA is leading this entire mission from Tucson – for the first time in the history of NASA. The mission has… Continue reading AZ Should be Trumpeting this from every rooftop – Phoenix Lander Has Touched Martian Water For the First Time
Arizona Entrepreneurship Conference
Registration is open for the Arizona Entrepreneurship Conference to be held on November 19th. You know I’ll be there… Details after the jump…
IPhone 3G Users Complain About Network Issues
Oddly, in Phoenix I’ve found much better reception overall on 3g. Most of the time when on EDGE calls drop and the sound quality in both directions is terrible. Granted, at&t needs to start moving more heavily to 3g for a more consistent, stronger signal. Complaints are mounting among iPhone users about the quality and… Continue reading IPhone 3G Users Complain About Network Issues