AZ Byte Night – Impressions

I spent last night at the Camelback Inn in Scottsdale celebrating the contributions of Arizona technology companies to philanthropic endeavors. It was a great event… with a keynote by Steve Ballmer of Microsoft…  

AZ Tech Council Byte Night

Well, I'm heading to the AZ Tech Council's Byte Night this evening. Steve Ballmer is the keynote and I'll be anxiously awaiting his "victory lap" as Microsoft begins their domination of corporate voice communications…  

Kicking Things Off…

Well it is about time to kick this off. My name is Brian Roy and I’m the Emerging Technologies architect for a major software company. This blog will contain my comments, predictions and rants about… you guessed it… emerging technologies. I’ll be updating this almost every day… linking to articles that I find interesting and… Continue reading Kicking Things Off…