What Happened to the Value of Being Well Read?

There was a time, and it doesn’t seem all that long ago, that people valued the company of those who were well read. We used to seek out those who were more than knowledgeable, more than conversant in this topic or that, but those who had the ability to discuss a wide variety of topics… Continue reading What Happened to the Value of Being Well Read?

Why is the Real-Time Web Community Shooting Itself in the Foot?

2008 was supposed to be the year we began to see real-time web take shape. And while Twitter and FriendFeed have begun to show us some bits of what a real-time web might look like mostly it has been a year of discontent. While I hate year end/beginning “predictions” (what am I Nostradamus?) I’m predicting… Continue reading Why is the Real-Time Web Community Shooting Itself in the Foot?

Video: OMG!!! Twitter got Hacked!!! AND VoIP isn’t dead… just irrelevant.

Various and sundry links pertaining to today’s video blog: Dan York’s Blog Post Today’s nonsense about OAuth on FriendFeed http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=2733016&server=vimeo.com&show_title=0&show_byline=0&show_portrait=0&color=8f3b55&fullscreen=1 Video Blog 01-05-2009 OMG Twitter got Hacked and VoIP isn’t dead, it is Irrelevant from Brian Roy on Vimeo.

Same as it ever was… Word of Mouth still rules.

The revolution of Web 2.0 (everyone as a content creator) begot the Social Media revolution (discussion as content)… Social Media is in the process of birthing a PR/Marketing and Branding revolution (click here for google results if you don’t believe me). And that is a good thing… but there is a secret buried in there…… Continue reading Same as it ever was… Word of Mouth still rules.

Social Media is about Aggregation – Not Publishing/Networks

I’ve been using FriendFeed for several months now. As a matter of fact, with the addition of real-time FriendFeed is now my primary Social Media interface. Why? Because the critical attribute which makes Social Media useful (yep, I’m banging on the adding value drum again) is aggregation, not publishing or networks. Publishing and networks are… Continue reading Social Media is about Aggregation – Not Publishing/Networks

JQuery adopted by Microsoft and Nokia

I posted earlier this month about JQuery – and how it can help you write less JavaScript code and get more done. The JQuery team today announced via their blog that both Microsoft and Nokia have adopted JQuery as part of their application development platform: We have two pieces of fantastic, albeit serendipitous, news today:… Continue reading JQuery adopted by Microsoft and Nokia


Microsoft goes all Gordon Gekko and offers 44.6 billion for Yahoo. CNN Money writer Paul R. Monica thinks this will kick off merger mania. The New York Times Saul Hansell calls this an offer Yahoo can’t refuse. I’m left wondering how this merger helps either company. Let’s face it folks… the bigger, more dominant the… Continue reading Micro-hoo?

Techdirt Insight Community – Disrupting Technology Analysis

Sorry Gartner… Techdirt is applying Web 2.0 thinking to the market for IT Analysis; and the concept is pretty impressive. Perhaps as interesting (to me anyway) is that this is the most impressive 2 minute elevator pitch I’ve seen in a long time. More after the jump… [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1PXFJw58CM]