I have too may phone numbers… so give me another one???

File this under “how to reduce complexity by increasing complexity”. I always wondered why people thought GrandCentral’s primary offering was so great… one (more) number for life… It seems that whole plan has come back to bite some GrandCentral users as they have now been informed that their existing one (more) number for life is… Continue reading I have too may phone numbers… so give me another one???

Skype outage – debunking the peer to peer myth…

Skype has been down for close to 12 hours now… which – as a software architect by trade – got me to wondering how a nodal peer to peer system (theoretically with no centralized services/single points of failure) could suffer a complete outage… Listen to the embeded CallRecord for more… http://www.cosinity.com:9080/lps-3.3.3/my-apps/cosinity/miniplayer.lzx?lzt=swf&lzr=swf7&debug=false&ref=3c7781a36bcd6cf08c11a970fbe0e2a6

The MIA Blogger

So I’ve been MIA here for about two months… which is bad. What have I been up to you ask… I’m glad you asked. I’ve been working hard to launch cosinity – a new Social Telephony company… and I’m happy to announce that the beta version of our first offering – CallRecord – is now… Continue reading The MIA Blogger

Categorized as cosinity

Techdirt Insight Community – Disrupting Technology Analysis

Sorry Gartner… Techdirt is applying Web 2.0 thinking to the market for IT Analysis; and the concept is pretty impressive. Perhaps as interesting (to me anyway) is that this is the most impressive 2 minute elevator pitch I’ve seen in a long time. More after the jump… [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1PXFJw58CM]

Free software is dead… really?

From the Bankok Post: “The Free Software movement is dead. Linux doesn’t exist in 2007. Even Linus has got a job today.” Controversial statements from the head of Microsoft’s Linux Labs, Bill Hilf. Full article here. Imagine my shock at Microsoft’s Bill Hilf coming out and saying that free software is dead. What is next…… Continue reading Free software is dead… really?

Categorized as OSS

Congress (finally) decides to do something to aid innovation…

Congress finally decided that it was time to address the fact that the US is falling woefully behind the rest of the world – and Asia in particular – in educating engineers. Drawing wide support from Democrats and Republicans, the Senate approved legislation dramatically increasing federal funding for research. The bill also seeks to jump… Continue reading Congress (finally) decides to do something to aid innovation…