Check out jaxtr (see widget to the right). Jaxtr is a voice applicaiton designed to specifically target the social networking scene. It allows you to call, text or leave a voicemail for your friend right from thier page (or blog in this case). Pretty nice… would great if presence (you could see if I’m available… Continue reading jaxtr – Nifty little Voice Application
How do I search for what I want… when I don’t know what I want…
There is a new Emerging Technology in the “help me find what I want” space… and it isn’t search… it is Discovery. Discovery Moves Beyond Search Internet search works well, particularly when you know the precise items for which you are looking. What happens, however, when you can’t find the magic words to type into… Continue reading How do I search for what I want… when I don’t know what I want…
Arizona State University – Distributed and Enterprise Application Consortium (DEAC)
I’ll be attending the kick-off of ASU’s DEAC on April 19th. If you have any comments or items you’d like brought up, discussed or feedback on… let me know. The local Phoenix economy has seen a significant increase in the distributed and web-based computing sector. To help support this growth, ASU’s Division of Computing Studies… Continue reading Arizona State University – Distributed and Enterprise Application Consortium (DEAC)
It is not YOUR software…
While I admit this is not really an emerging technology post (more of an effect of it?)… the linked article still something everyone who creates “software” should read. “Six out of eight think something that’s harder to use but gives you better control is a good trade-off; only one out of eight of the general… Continue reading It is not YOUR software…
Multi-Core CPUs and Application Development
We are all excited about multi-core CPUs. If you happen to work in a data center the reductions in power consumption and consequently heat generation are very exciting. For those of us who develop applications the performance gains have been interesting but not really earth shattering. But have you stopped to think about how parallelism will affect the… Continue reading Multi-Core CPUs and Application Development
Why VoIP isn’t a big deal… and why VoIP IS a big deal…
Microsoft unvieled a SMB (small-medium business) phone system… Microsoft Unveils Small-Business Phone System Software Designed for Ease of Use: Financial News – Yahoo! Finance This is a fantastic illustration of why VoIP is not – and IS – a big deal.
The irony Verizon vs. Vonage
File under irony. It turns out the primary patents that Vonage infringed have to do with methods for routing calls to the PSTN (publicly switched telephone network). Now that is irony…
AZ Byte Night – Impressions
I spent last night at the Camelback Inn in Scottsdale celebrating the contributions of Arizona technology companies to philanthropic endeavors. It was a great event… with a keynote by Steve Ballmer of Microsoft…
AZ Tech Council Byte Night
Well, I'm heading to the AZ Tech Council's Byte Night this evening. Steve Ballmer is the keynote and I'll be anxiously awaiting his "victory lap" as Microsoft begins their domination of corporate voice communications…
Why Verizon’s patent win is bad for everyone…
Vonage has been ordered to pay Verizon 58 million dollars and (here is the real problem) 5.8% of future revenue for patent infringement. If that wasn’t enough nails in Vonage’s coffin (remember they have yet to turn a profit) Verizon is still seeking a permanent injunction to prevent Vonage from using the patents. This is… Continue reading Why Verizon’s patent win is bad for everyone…