In Arizona – Education is now an Option

If you’d like to see an example of the extreme “no taxes” political persuasion – you need to look no further than Arizona. In Arizona taxes are evil, for years our politicians have built their reputations on one simple idea – taxes kill growth, so let’s not have any. They’ve perpetuated a myth… and now… Continue reading In Arizona – Education is now an Option

Arizona – Entrepreneurship Is NOT the Problem

People make a lot of noise about what is wrong with Arizona – and specifically our ability to start and sustain technology companies. Most of it is pointless blather and pompous windbaggery – here is why: The problem is we have too many people who want to be the expert, advance their point of view… Continue reading Arizona – Entrepreneurship Is NOT the Problem

Innovation & Academia? – ASU Startup Weekend

There is a certain pleasure in pointing out how poor a job academic institutions do instilling the kind of innovative/entrepreneurial thinking required in their graduates. But here is the million dollar question: Beyond pointing at the problem, what exactly are YOU going to do to fix it. For many the answer is a resounding “not… Continue reading Innovation & Academia? – ASU Startup Weekend