In Arizona – Education is now an Option

If you’d like to see an example of the extreme “no taxes” political persuasion – you need to look no further than Arizona. In Arizona taxes are evil, for years our politicians have built their reputations on one simple idea – taxes kill growth, so let’s not have any. They’ve perpetuated a myth… and now… Continue reading In Arizona – Education is now an Option

Arizona – Entrepreneurship Is NOT the Problem

People make a lot of noise about what is wrong with Arizona – and specifically our ability to start and sustain technology companies. Most of it is pointless blather and pompous windbaggery – here is why: The problem is we have too many people who want to be the expert, advance their point of view… Continue reading Arizona – Entrepreneurship Is NOT the Problem

Phoenix Startup Weekend

UPDATE: 10/17/08 – I’ve set up a FriendFeed room enable everyone to live blog the event – see this post for details. The whole reason I’m going on vacation tomorrow (back next Tuesday) is to rest up for Phoenix Startup Weekend… well not really… If you have not checked it out – you should. If… Continue reading Phoenix Startup Weekend

AZ Governor innovation finalists announced

Congratulations to the winners listed below. I’m glad to see the state government recognizing innovation in Arizona. Now we just need to convince our legislators to get serious about passing the legislation needed to attract capital investment in Arizona startups. Winners in categories including Community Service Leader of the Year, Young Innovator of the Year… Continue reading AZ Governor innovation finalists announced

AZ Should be Trumpeting this from every rooftop – Phoenix Lander Has Touched Martian Water For the First Time

Everyone (and there are A LOT of them) who say Arizona is a engineering, math and science wasteland should read this and understand just how big of a deal for Arizona this is. The UofA is leading this entire mission from Tucson – for the first time in the history of NASA. The mission has… Continue reading AZ Should be Trumpeting this from every rooftop – Phoenix Lander Has Touched Martian Water For the First Time