In Arizona – Education is now an Option

If you’d like to see an example of the extreme “no taxes” political persuasion – you need to look no further than Arizona. In Arizona taxes are evil, for years our politicians have built their reputations on one simple idea – taxes kill growth, so let’s not have any. They’ve perpetuated a myth… and now… Continue reading In Arizona – Education is now an Option

An Open Letter to the Arizona State Legistature and Gov. Brewer

Shame on you. Shame on each and every one of you. You are not accountants… your job is NOT to balance the state’s checkbook. Your job is to use the tax revenue you collect to provide the services that make Arizona better… every day, every year, for us and our children. You de-funded environmental protections.… Continue reading An Open Letter to the Arizona State Legistature and Gov. Brewer