Sizing Up Your Business

Last night I spoke at the Gilbert FastTrac GrowthVenture meeting. It was a pleasure to see so many founders and entrepreneurs in a room sharing knowledge, insights and experiences. I’m willing to bet any one of them could have stood up and shared their thoughts with all of us and we would have learned as much (or probably more)… Continue reading Sizing Up Your Business

Arizona – Entrepreneurship Is NOT the Problem

People make a lot of noise about what is wrong with Arizona – and specifically our ability to start and sustain technology companies. Most of it is pointless blather and pompous windbaggery – here is why: The problem is we have too many people who want to be the expert, advance their point of view… Continue reading Arizona – Entrepreneurship Is NOT the Problem

Why Healthcare for Profit Sucks

After 15 years working large corporations I’m now self employed. I’ve decided to be one of those people Conservatives so love to hold up as the example of all they try to protect – the American Small Business Owner. During my 20’s and 30’s I paid (and paid) into the private insurance industry and took… Continue reading Why Healthcare for Profit Sucks

The Entrepreneur Game

I’m getting concerned about the state of entrepreneurship – and not for the reasons you might think. The fashionable complaint is that we don’t have enough entrepreneurs, but I’m beginning to wonder if quantity is a red herring. It seems to me there are an awful lot of people out there calling themselves entrepreneurs. It… Continue reading The Entrepreneur Game

Innovation & Academia? – ASU Startup Weekend

There is a certain pleasure in pointing out how poor a job academic institutions do instilling the kind of innovative/entrepreneurial thinking required in their graduates. But here is the million dollar question: Beyond pointing at the problem, what exactly are YOU going to do to fix it. For many the answer is a resounding “not… Continue reading Innovation & Academia? – ASU Startup Weekend