Only 55 VC Funds Raised Money In The Third Quarter (Down 29 Percent).

From TechCrunch. This pretty much speaks for itself. The important note is that all of this happened before the last 3 weeks during which the dow has fallen ~ 3000 points. This is not about doom and gloom for startups – it is about understanding the environment you are operating in. The third quarter saw… Continue reading Only 55 VC Funds Raised Money In The Third Quarter (Down 29 Percent).

Invest Southwest names presenters

Invest Southwest announced the presenting companies for the 2008 Invest Southwest Conference. Congratulations to these firms. Thirteen firms made the cut for December’s Invest Southwest conference. Organizers for the annual event, which aims to pair promising new technology firms with investors who can help finance future growth, have announced which companies will be presenting. The… Continue reading Invest Southwest names presenters

More articles predicting doom for startups

I feel like the grim reaper here… really I’m not throwing myself out a window. So why am I posting these? it is important for entrepreneurs to NOT bury their heads in the sand. I would also take a moment to point out that the majority of this news is coming from Silicon Valley –… Continue reading More articles predicting doom for startups

More bad news for Startups.

Today Stacey Higginbotham of GigaOm wrote an article about the deterioration in VC and Angel funding in 2008. While the picture she paints is far from rosy – I think she understates the issue in some ways. With others calling for a startup depression I think we need to be realistic. That’s not great news,… Continue reading More bad news for Startups.

Quotes from Bret Taylor – FriendFeed

Louis Gray was kind enough to share what he heard at a MIT/Standford Venture lab panel on lifestreaming. You can find Louis’ full entry here. Here are the parts I found the most interesting… both in terms of FriendFeed’s strategy and the lessons they teach us about creating a startup. Bret’s presentation stated that FriendFeed,… Continue reading Quotes from Bret Taylor – FriendFeed

Seth Godin & the Myth of Launch PR

I love reading Seth’s posts. He always manages to shine a light on something that is not only true… but also leads us to think beyond marketing and PR and ask some fundamental questions about why we are entrepreneurs and how we create a business. New startups can spend hundreds of thousands of dollars racing… Continue reading Seth Godin & the Myth of Launch PR

Tech Making Traditional VCs Obsolete

Via Wired. Bob Rice gives us his take on the VC landscape: Well, the classic V.C.’s simply have too much money under management, and too expensive a talent pool, to waste time looking at investing anything less than $10 million in a project. Meantime, no entrepreneur wants to give up equity by taking in more… Continue reading Tech Making Traditional VCs Obsolete