justSignal Widgets now Offer iPhone Optimized Page

Mobility matters. I know that there are times when we are not at our computers and still want to be able to connect with others about topics that matter to us. In order to make the justSignal service even more valuable for those who want to provide their subscribers, fans or readers a way to… Continue reading justSignal Widgets now Offer iPhone Optimized Page

What the Hell is a Wombat – and Why Are We Tracking Them?

My interest in Twitter/FriendFeed and all things social media is so like my interest and involvement with VoIP it sometimes keeps me up at night. VoIP for me was never about the technology – and it certainly wasn’t about “making a phone call”, we could already do that. It was about the possibly. The possibility… Continue reading What the Hell is a Wombat – and Why Are We Tracking Them?

My Sorry Sick Self…

So today I’m supposed to appear on Furious World – Peter Himmelman’s weekly live music and technology show. So of course I wake up this morning and my annoying low grade cold has blossomed into full on body achin’, voice losin’, head throbbin’, racking coughin’, sick as a dog-ness. I know, you are all disappointed…… Continue reading My Sorry Sick Self…