Say Is Great – But Only Do Matters

Marketing and PR are invaluable to any company. They help you tell the story, get the word out and draw attention to your company, product, service and brand. What they don’t do, what they can’t do – and what they shouldn’t attempt to do is deliver on it. Marketing and PR all all about say.… Continue reading Say Is Great – But Only Do Matters

A Simple Prescription for Social Media ROI

The consensus seems to be that creating an ROI for Social Media is hard. I’d like to suggest that it isn’t. Formulating an ROI is a very simple formula – and until someone can rationally explain why Social Media is different I’ll get out my cookbook. Define the desired outcome (e.g., increase conversion rate by… Continue reading A Simple Prescription for Social Media ROI

TweetsForBoobs – How justSignal Helped Make it Happen

Reposted from the justSignal Blog ( Sometimes the best way to illustrate how justSignal can accelerate your strategy is by providing concrete examples of how others have accelerated theirs. TweetsForBoobs is raising money for the Susan G. Komen foundation by encouraging folks to tweet the #tweetsforboobs hash tag on Twitter. It is the brain child… Continue reading TweetsForBoobs – How justSignal Helped Make it Happen

The Business of Social Media – Better Decisions (NOT Better Reactions)

The prevailing wisdom is clear. Social Media is for “Listening” (which is code for brand monitoring) and Marketing. I won’t make any attempt to talk about Marketing – since today everything seems to be a tool/platform for marketing. I will however talk about this notion of “Listening”. There are two (and only two ways) to… Continue reading The Business of Social Media – Better Decisions (NOT Better Reactions)

It is ALIVE – Twitter Search is Back To Full Speed

Not sure what was going on, and there was no mention of it on the Twitter status blog, but it now appears that Twitter Search (and the search API) is back to full speed. There is no question that all day yesterday and and today up until 12:00 Pacific Twitter search was not indexing all… Continue reading It is ALIVE – Twitter Search is Back To Full Speed

Something is DEFINITELY Not Right with Twitter Search

I get hourly emails that show me (graphically) how much justSignal “collects” total from each of the services (Twitter, Blog Search, Backtype, etc). The thing about these graphs is they are amazingly consistent over time – that is why we use them… you can quickly see a change in the normal trend. Yesterday I noticed… Continue reading Something is DEFINITELY Not Right with Twitter Search

The Growth of @DbacksBooth on Twitter

I’ve been watching the Dbacks broadcast team begin to use Twitter to interact with their audience, and I’ve been using justSignal (shameless plug for my product) to track their efforts. Over the last 60 days I’ve watched the effort from the Booth and (I presume) Fox Sports AZ intensify. They’ve been requesting Keys to the… Continue reading The Growth of @DbacksBooth on Twitter

Make Mark Reynolds an All Star – More Analysis

Following up yesterday’s post with more data about the effectiveness of the get out the vote campaign to make Mark Reynolds of the Arizona Diamondbacks an All Star. First let me say this: If you haven’t yet (at least 300 times) stop reading this and go vote RIGHT NOW!!! Ok… now that we’ve taken care… Continue reading Make Mark Reynolds an All Star – More Analysis

Did John McCain’s Tweet help Mark Reynolds All Star Game chances?

Yesterday Mark Grace and Daron Sutton (CORRECTION: Todd Walsh set up and conducted the interview) managed to get Senator John McCain to endorse Mark Reynolds bid to be the MLB All Star Game Final Vote winner for the National League. For reference, Senator McCain sent this tweet out at approximately 4pm Pacific (1600). All times… Continue reading Did John McCain’s Tweet help Mark Reynolds All Star Game chances?

On Iran, Technology and Social Media

There is a reason we value art and those who create it. I could write 3 or 4 hundred words about how technology and Social Media are making it impossible for despots to control the message… or I could just point you to the justSignal FreeIran site and get out of the way and let… Continue reading On Iran, Technology and Social Media