David Alston of Radian6 stopped by yesterday and commented on this post. This video is a detailed explanation of my views on Social Media, Brand Monitoring, and operationalizing and scaling those things in companies. http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=2576062&server=vimeo.com&show_title=0&show_byline=0&show_portrait=0&color=8f3b55&fullscreen=1 Video Blog 12-19-2008 | The question of Scale & Social Media for Brand Managment from Brian Roy on Vimeo.
Tag: PR
Being in the Conversation – Social Media and your Brand
The current trends in Social Media Brand Monitoring focus around your PR/Marketing agency. They provide tools to create nice reports telling you what the public perception of your brand is – and perhaps some alerts when something “bad” happens. Led by Radian6 – this trend is very powerful and shouldn’t be ignored. But the real… Continue reading Being in the Conversation – Social Media and your Brand
Defining your Brand – One Conversation at a Time
I’ve spent a large part of my professional life dealing with the realities of having conversations with customers. In every type and size of company imaginable. And there is one single reality that holds true: Your brand is what your customers say it is… regardless of your best Marketing and PR efforts. With the rise… Continue reading Defining your Brand – One Conversation at a Time
The power of JustSignal & Brand Monitoring
Obama leverages Social Media – If this isn’t change… I’m not sure what is…
Weather you agree with his politics or not, you have to realize that Barack Obama is a different kind of president. His embrace of social media – and willingness to communicate directly with the American people is a game changer. Kudos to Obama and his team for embracing Social Media – and creating a level… Continue reading Obama leverages Social Media – If this isn’t change… I’m not sure what is…
JustSignal – Turn down the noise and just get the signal.
On Friday, November 21st cosinity released JustSignal – a combined FriendFeed and Twitter application that allows you to turn down the noise and focus in on just those topics or users you find most interesting. As much as I love Twitter and FriendFeed, they can become a giant distraction. Too much noise, not enough signal.… Continue reading JustSignal – Turn down the noise and just get the signal.
Seth Godin & the Myth of Launch PR
I love reading Seth’s posts. He always manages to shine a light on something that is not only true… but also leads us to think beyond marketing and PR and ask some fundamental questions about why we are entrepreneurs and how we create a business. New startups can spend hundreds of thousands of dollars racing… Continue reading Seth Godin & the Myth of Launch PR