Social Media ROI – The Believers and Non-Believers

It appears the Social Media ROI conversation is heating up – and predictably it has split into two camps, the Believers and the Non-Belivers. The non-belivers are adamant that you simply can’t value conversations. The believers say you can because relationships are valuable. They are both wrong (and right). Let me try to clarify things… Continue reading Social Media ROI – The Believers and Non-Believers

Social Media’s Big Problem – Marketers

I hate to say it, but Social Media (and Twitter in particular) has a big problem… and that big problem is marketers. I know, I know, marketers made Social Media – and setting aside weather or not that is true, let’s focus on the facts. Nearly any relatively popular topic is quickly overrun with marketers… Continue reading Social Media’s Big Problem – Marketers

TweetsForBoobs – How justSignal Helped Make it Happen

Reposted from the justSignal Blog ( Sometimes the best way to illustrate how justSignal can accelerate your strategy is by providing concrete examples of how others have accelerated theirs. TweetsForBoobs is raising money for the Susan G. Komen foundation by encouraging folks to tweet the #tweetsforboobs hash tag on Twitter. It is the brain child… Continue reading TweetsForBoobs – How justSignal Helped Make it Happen

It is ALIVE – Twitter Search is Back To Full Speed

Not sure what was going on, and there was no mention of it on the Twitter status blog, but it now appears that Twitter Search (and the search API) is back to full speed. There is no question that all day yesterday and and today up until 12:00 Pacific Twitter search was not indexing all… Continue reading It is ALIVE – Twitter Search is Back To Full Speed

Something is DEFINITELY Not Right with Twitter Search

I get hourly emails that show me (graphically) how much justSignal “collects” total from each of the services (Twitter, Blog Search, Backtype, etc). The thing about these graphs is they are amazingly consistent over time – that is why we use them… you can quickly see a change in the normal trend. Yesterday I noticed… Continue reading Something is DEFINITELY Not Right with Twitter Search

The Growth of @DbacksBooth on Twitter

I’ve been watching the Dbacks broadcast team begin to use Twitter to interact with their audience, and I’ve been using justSignal (shameless plug for my product) to track their efforts. Over the last 60 days I’ve watched the effort from the Booth and (I presume) Fox Sports AZ intensify. They’ve been requesting Keys to the… Continue reading The Growth of @DbacksBooth on Twitter

Make Mark Reynolds an All Star – More Analysis

Following up yesterday’s post with more data about the effectiveness of the get out the vote campaign to make Mark Reynolds of the Arizona Diamondbacks an All Star. First let me say this: If you haven’t yet (at least 300 times) stop reading this and go vote RIGHT NOW!!! Ok… now that we’ve taken care… Continue reading Make Mark Reynolds an All Star – More Analysis

Twitter, @replies and Multicasting

Twitter made a change to how @ replies are handled yesterday and the response has been, well, loud. Essentially you used to be able to see @ replies to everyone you followed, even if you didn’t follow the sender. Under Twitter’s new rules you only get to see @ replies to people you follow IF… Continue reading Twitter, @replies and Multicasting

justSignal Upgrades, or My Lame Attempt to Explain Ignoring My Blog

I’ve gone through another one of those spells where I just didn’t write anything here – and to say I’ve been busy isn’t enough – hell I’m always busy. I also can’t claim lack of interesting content – I could write six really compelling pieces on ASU Startup Weekend alone. So we’ll just agree that… Continue reading justSignal Upgrades, or My Lame Attempt to Explain Ignoring My Blog

Another justSignal upgrade. Twitter real-time upgrade.

We had a list of items we wanted improved and added to the justSignal Twitter real-time widget. And since I have no ability to procrastinate we are launching those changes over the weekend. Here is a rundown of the changes: Allow for variable length hash tags to be inserted in the tweets (used to be… Continue reading Another justSignal upgrade. Twitter real-time upgrade.