Social Media is about Aggregation – Not Publishing/Networks

I’ve been using FriendFeed for several months now. As a matter of fact, with the addition of real-time FriendFeed is now my primary Social Media interface. Why? Because the critical attribute which makes Social Media useful (yep, I’m banging on the adding value drum again) is aggregation, not publishing or networks. Publishing and networks are… Continue reading Social Media is about Aggregation – Not Publishing/Networks

Can we please stop talking about monetization?

I can’t take it anymore – I just can’t. NOTE – this post was triggered by a fine post (and subsequent FriendFeed discussion) by Mark Evans – which you can find here. The idea that you can create a “cool” service, attract massive numbers of subscribers, and then monetize the subscriber base is insane. Always… Continue reading Can we please stop talking about monetization?

Voice Is Data – STOP THE PRESSES (Alexander Graham Bell would be so proud)

From Techdirt… With increasing attempts to turn internet access on in the sky, there’s been some concern about people making VoIP calls from airplanes, just as there is a concern over mobile phone use in the sky being too “annoying.” Some of the companies providing internet-in-the-sky have claimed that they would block VoIP calls, but… Continue reading Voice Is Data – STOP THE PRESSES (Alexander Graham Bell would be so proud)