David Alston of Radian6 stopped by yesterday and commented on this post. This video is a detailed explanation of my views on Social Media, Brand Monitoring, and operationalizing and scaling those things in companies. http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=2576062&server=vimeo.com&show_title=0&show_byline=0&show_portrait=0&color=8f3b55&fullscreen=1 Video Blog 12-19-2008 | The question of Scale & Social Media for Brand Managment from Brian Roy on Vimeo.
Tag: value and price
Are you looking to hit a 5 run homer?
I love a good baseball metaphor. There is nothing better than using the lens of baseball to make a point simple, clear and biting. So let me tell you what I’ve been thinking today. You can’t hit a 5 run homer – it just can’t be done. Doesn’t matter how smart you are; doesn’t matter… Continue reading Are you looking to hit a 5 run homer?
Social Media is about Aggregation – Not Publishing/Networks
I’ve been using FriendFeed for several months now. As a matter of fact, with the addition of real-time FriendFeed is now my primary Social Media interface. Why? Because the critical attribute which makes Social Media useful (yep, I’m banging on the adding value drum again) is aggregation, not publishing or networks. Publishing and networks are… Continue reading Social Media is about Aggregation – Not Publishing/Networks
Value = Signal, Cool = Noise
Great post today from John Furrier on Furrier.org. He points out – rightly – that: I fully agree that it is the best time to start a company both for entrepreneur and the venture capitalist. In fact the angels are out there. I ran into one yesterday (granted I live in Palo Alto and you… Continue reading Value = Signal, Cool = Noise
Can we please stop talking about monetization?
I can’t take it anymore – I just can’t. NOTE – this post was triggered by a fine post (and subsequent FriendFeed discussion) by Mark Evans – which you can find here. The idea that you can create a “cool” service, attract massive numbers of subscribers, and then monetize the subscriber base is insane. Always… Continue reading Can we please stop talking about monetization?
Verizon Jacks SMS Rates
I use – as does cosinity – SMS for a variety of communications. This morning – my SMS service provider Clickatell – notified me this morning that Verizon had decided to charge an additional 3 cents each for SMS sent from an “application”. That means the average SMS sent to a Verizon user will cost… Continue reading Verizon Jacks SMS Rates
Great example of communications creating value.
From Seth Godin – this is how communications applications create value. “My computer will call your computer…” Lisa points us Fonolo, a company in beta that spiders phone trees at big companies and promises to make it easy for you to go straight to the spot you want. Then it calls you when the phone… Continue reading Great example of communications creating value.